Many major tech companies—including Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, Google, Intel, AMD, HP Inc., HPE, Dell and more—are complying with strict and historic sanctions against Russia after it invaded Ukraine this week.
The Biden administration ordered U.S. companies not to do business with Russia. And multinational corporations are joining in the boycott effort as well. The list of companies suspending operations in Russia seems to be growing by the hour, including the world’s most valuable company: Apple.
There wasn’t much of a question of whether the major U.S. tech firms would comply with the sanctions, but the announcements did provide companies a chance to formally rebuke Russia’s actions on record.
Here’s a roundup of 10 tech companies and what they’ve said they’ve done regarding business in Russia. Click through the slideshow to see more.
Joseph Kovar and David Harris contributed to this report. 1 23… 10NextRELATED TOPICS: