CRN breaks down the strengths and weaknesses from the 13 vendors that made Gartner’s new 2022 Magic Quadrant for Cloud AI Developer Services.
Top 13 Cloud AI Developer Services Companies: Gartner’s 2022 Magic Quadrant
Some of the largest and most innovative technology companies in the world are investing heavily in cloud artificial intelligence developer services, as the global AI software market is expected to reach a whopping $135 billion by 2025, according to IT research firm Gartner.
To build next-generation applications, developers need services that enhance app capabilities in the areas of automated machine learning, language and vision, says Gartner in its new 2022 Magic Quadrant for Cloud AI Developer Services.
Gartner has identified and ranked the 13 leading providers of cloud artificial intelligence developer services paving the way for the future.
Gartner’s Magic Quadrant ranks vendors on their ability to execute and completeness of vision and places them in four categories: Niche Players (low on vision and execution), Visionaries (good vision but low execution), Challengers (good execution but low vision) and Leaders (excelling in both vision and execution).
The Importance Of Cloud AI Developer Services
The rise of AI and machine learning (ML) creates a challenge for software engineering leaders, as few developers are data science experts.
A 2021 Gartner survey found that more than 75 percent of IT leaders had fewer than 25 percent of their organization’s software engineers trained in ML, showing the significant need for cloud-based developer service tools for software engineering teams.
Cloud AI developer services are cloud-hosted or containerized services that enable development teams and users who are not data scientists to use AI models via APIs, software development kits (SDKs) or applications.
These AI services help users provide services with capabilities in areas of automated machine learning (autoML), language and vision, such as natural language understanding (NLU), image recognition and machine leaning (ML) services.
CRN breaks down the strengths and weaknesses from the 13 vendors in Gartner’s 2022 Magic Quadrant for Cloud AI Developer Services:
* Baidu
* Tencent
* Oracle
* Dataiku
* Clarifai
* Aible
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